Farms for Sale in Namibia – Hochfeld District
Farms for Sale in Namibia – Hochfeld District
We are pleased to offer this fine property on behalf of the owner.
District: Otjiwarongo
Reg. Division: “D” Otjozondjupa Region
Size: 1874.3258 hectares
LSU: 1:8 – OGCC: One Large Stock Unit (LSU) per eight hectares, putting this farm into the highest category in Namibia.
Total Animals able to be held: 234 LSU; or 1,405 Small Stock Units (SSU) or a combination thereof.
Access excellent: surfaced main road up to the farm gate. There are no public roads traversing the property. ±245 km from Windhoek, via Okahandja, Hochfeld road and Imkerhof. Another route from Windhoek is via Osire and Imkerhof.
The farm is Privately owned.
The farm is in a fair condition, and the rangeland is easy to manage. There is 10 camps, all with 1,2m high 5-strand strong stock proof fence, each with access to water. The fences and other infrastructure are in a fair condition, with loose fence in places. 1x large cattle handling facility with crush, loading ramp & sorting kraals at the main post. One smaller sorting facility and small garden at second outpost. There are no permanent buildings, only two corrugated iron huts for workers.
Water supply:
2x Equipped water points with ample water: It is a combination of windmill and/or solar power and Lister engine. In the entire region, the water table is about 15 -25metres and boreholes sunk to a maximum depth of 50 meters. The borehole pipes on the farm are installed to a depth of 27-30 meters.
The veld is open Savanna, with camel thorn, geelhout- and Kalahari appelblaar trees and shrubs, candle acacia, kudu bush, rosyntiebos and short fodder bushes. The veld is an excellent type, located on sandy soil and the bush does not present a grazing problem. The grazing is very varied and the farm lies in an area of high and consistent rainfall of 400mm and more per annum.
Economic pursuits:
Livestock production on this farm is in the prime producing area of the country.
The farm is surrounded by conservation-conscious neighbours. Therefore, according to the tracks we saw, present a healthy game population. The large plains animals are represented mainly by oryx and kudu. Smaller game is warthog, duiker, steenbok and according to the farmworker Damara dik dik as well. Birdlife is plentiful, consisting mainly of red-eyed francolin, guinea fowl and several species of dove.
Harpago (Devils Claw). The farm is part of a production area for this crop, a farm nearby is certified as organic producer of Harpago. We believe that with hands on management the farm will give a reasonable return from a diversity of activities and a pleasure to own.
Asking price:
N$ 5,400,000.00 including commission but excluding transfer costs
The farm is easily managed and located in a top production area. This is a secluded, yet very accessible property and would be an investment for a city-based businessman or a second farm for a commercial farmer. Prospective clients are requested to contact us for an appointment.
ID 8054
Type Farm
Land Size 1,874.3258
Open on Google Maps-
Address Hochfeld District
Country Namibia
Province/State Otjozondjupa
City/Town Hochfeld District
Property ID 8054
Price NAD 5,400,000
Property Type Farm
Property Label #Like it - #Share it , Under Contract
Land area 1,874.3258
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